Following the directives issued by the Canadian and provincial governments regarding the efforts to mitigate the coronavirus crisis, we want to update you on the current status of our operations.
Protech VideoWave maintains operations, although part of our team works from home. We continue to supply to our clients technical support, sales support, quotations, orders and deliveries. We have stock locally of our main product lines and manufacturing facilities from our sister companies in VitaProtech group remain in operation.
To reduce transmission risks, we have adopted the following procedures:
- All employees who can work from home
- No direct contacts with our clients and suppliers
- Strict social distancing
- No visit outside our office
- We sanitize any received package at arrival and at expedition
We maintain constant communication with our suppliers and sister companies and we monitor government announcements and directives with this regard.
For quotes, orders, technical support inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us as usual.
We appreciate your business during this challenging time.
Alain Janelle, General Manager